AFL commences on Thursday 16th March 2023. The 2022 winner was Nevergiveup, with Mayflower second and JWB third. The competition is open to any interested person.

Follow the information below to register and then join the competition. You may register as many people as you wish, but each name will cost you $10 entry.

AFL Footy Tipping Competition: (all welcome)

Your entry subscription will be $10. This will establish a small prize pool.

Click HERE and read all about it. Click on the “FAQ” tab to learn about the process.

Cut-off time for tipping will be 5 mins before every game of the round.

Participants will score as follows:

2 point for tipping the winning team,
6 bonus points for tipping a draw,
0 points for tipping a losing team.
You receive 4 bonus points if you tip a perfect round.

If you are un-financial or join later than the beginning of Round 1, you will be allocated points equal to the person in the last position at the time of joining

The RCEB Competition will only be conducted in the Minor Round matches.

PRIZE Allocation

You will be asked to nominate the "Margin" in points of the first match listed in each round to separate equal weekly winners.

We will also have a “Joker” round which you choose to nominate to double your points for that round.

The RCEB will also operate a “Knockout Comp” in conjunction with the “Tipping Comp”, at no additional cost.

The prize for the winner of the “Knockout Comp” will be “Bragging Rights” only  + $5

The prizes for the “Tipping Comp” are:

Prize Information:
Entry $10 per person (25 players)
Weekly Prize winner $5
Minor Round Winner $60
Runner-up $40
The third Prize is $20
First Knock Out winners 2x$5
All prizes are paid at the end of the minor round.


  1.  Let Peter Manuel know that you wish to participate (pay $10) - email
  2.  Click HERE or on the logo that follows to be taken to the tipping website
  3.  Click on REGISTER at the top of the page (If you haven't used before).
  4.  Once registered you can join the competition. Start by logging in (top right).
  5.  Our Comp Number is: 105925
    Comp Name is: VictorAFL
    Comp Password is: VictorAFL#1
  6. Go to the tipping website each week to add your tips, or load the app to your mobile phone to enter on the run.